Bonding Through Board Games

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Do you have a trip to the toy aisle in your future? Maybe you are looking for ways to entertain your grandchild when you are together.  Maybe you are trying to find a gift for a three-year-old. Here’s a tip: go past all the toys and educational gadgets to the section of the store with board games.

Yes, old-fashioned board games are still a perfect gift for a grandchild! Kids still love to sit down and play a game with a friend, and when that friend is a grandparent, memories are made.

The interactive nature of board games can strengthen the grandparent-grandchild relationship when you play together. No matter who is playing with them, game play itself promotes developmental growth. What sort of developmental growth are we talking about? Things like:

Cultivating Patience and Turn-Taking

Board games provide a fantastic opportunity to teach young grandchildren the value of patience and turn-taking. Playing games such as Snail's Pace Race, Candy Land, or The Ladybug Game allows you to guide your young grands in understanding the importance of waiting for their turn, practicing patience, and embracing fair play. These can be hard things to learn!

Numeracy and Counting Skills

Board games can be a wonderful way to introduce basic math concepts to your grandchildren, encouraging their numerical skills and number recognition. Games like Hi Ho! Cherry-O, Zingo and Count Your Chickens allow you to assist your grandchildren in counting objects, recognizing numerals, and developing a basic understanding of quantity.

Language Development and Communication

Board games are excellent tools for nurturing language development and communication skills in young grandchildren. Games such as Zingo and Hoot Owl Hoot!  offer opportunities for conversation, description of pictures, and question-asking. This kind of meaningful dialogue with your grandchildren can expand their vocabulary and enrich their communication abilities.

Memory and Concentration Boosters

Memory-based board games can help enhance your grandchildren's memory and concentration skills. Games like Memory Match or Pizza, Pizza challenge their cognitive abilities, as they try to remember the location of cards or objects, providing an engaging way to exercise their minds. Even better, you’re making memories together while you play!

Fine Motor Skill Development

Engaging in board games can support the development of fine motor skills in your young grandchildren as they manipulate cards, game pieces, and dice. Games such as Sneaky Snacky Squirrel and Feed the Woozle involve small, precise movements that improve hand-eye coordination and dexterity, giving you an opportunity to guide and encourage their fine motor skill development.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Several board games provide opportunities for your grandchildren to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, allowing them to think creatively and make decisions. Games like Hoot Owl Hoot!, Robot Turtles, or First Orchard prompt children to strategize, plan, and exercise their analytical skills.

The best part about board games is that the learning happens while you are having fun and making memories. Just make sure to choose age-appropriate games that match your grandchild’s developmental stage and abilities, or you can end up with tears and frustration.

The very youngest players do best with cooperative games like Count Your Chickens, First Orchard or Snail’s Pace Race (my personal favorite!), which don’t result in a winner or loser. They’ll still learn the basics of game play like taking turns and rolling dice, but the harder lesson of being a graceful winner or loser can wait until they are a little older.

Some of the games labeled ages 3+ are easy enough for some younger children, but you have to consider each child. Often the 3+ label is because pieces are choking hazards, so make sure games you choose aren’t unsafe for your grandchild. Pay attention to age guidelines and supervise young grandchildren during playtime.

So, choose a game that aligns with your grandchild's interests, gather around the table, and get ready for the laughter, learning, and love. And if you are lucky enough to get to play with them, make sure to record the moments you share as you enjoy board games with your grandchildren.

You can find all our board game picks and more recommendations in our Amazon shop.


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